Monday, November 25, 2002

HP hires seminal computer thinker.

Hewlett-Packard Laboratories hires Alan Kay, who helped invent major computing technologies such as object-oriented programming and the predecessor to modern graphical interfaces. [CNET]
7:53:36 PM    

There are lots of great things to say about font support in Mac OS X and Jaguar specifically. I think I'll dedicate this week of posts to everything related to fonts, fonts and more fonts.

First up on the font installation front - folders of fonts! Instead of being forced to have all of your font files located directly in your fonts folder, you can now group and organize your fonts in folders.


[Ken Bereskin's Radio Weblog]
7:51:25 PM    

Coursey: Why you should buy an Apple this Christmas [MacCentral]
7:50:29 PM