This article from Technology and Learning magazine by Sara Armstrong and David Warlick makes the now familiar point that learning to learn is an essential skill for a lifetime of self-directed learning. The authors add to that point the message that a major part of learning how to learn must be learning to use technology, including technology for Reading, Riting, and Rithmetic. "Recently, Edgar Murphy of the North Carolina State Board of Education delivered a presentation to a group of technology-using educators in the Raleigh area. He stated that of all the positions he has held in his life, he was technically qualified for only the first one. In the case of those that followed, he convinced prospective employers that he could teach himself all he needed to know while on the job.Some months back, Michael Cox, a chief economist for the Federal Reserve Bank, predicted to a group of students that they would have at least five jobs after they graduate, four of which haven't been invented yet."
"If Mr. Murphy's experience is a model for our children's future, then the best thing we can teach them is how to teach themselves. This requires that students become not only literate, but also able to use that literacy within their personal information environment in order to succeed now and in the future."
The authors provide useful examples and links.
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