Theres something pretty And something oppressive That hits me on some summer mornings
When I see the dew hanging and spider webs drying And hear the cars fire up and go
Then I remember old Mr Briesmeister With his lunch box to the Case Works headed 50s morning sidewalked Racine
He’d been out six weeks Going back with his rail road engineer hat, And his apron bluejeans To make tractors Shoulders sagging As he caught the bus
From the bus stop In front of the yard
Where we would find a ball, A ball and a bat, And play all day Where the rabbit hole was the pitcher’s mound
Oh, then The sound of Mrs Briesmeister wailing She a German of precise petunias With the one backyard our army couldn’t traverse
Mr Briesmeister coming back from furlough Had a heart attack Had to go to work for some steel-eyed reason and croak On the assembly line And the neighborhood ladies Then sadly saddled up the walk Struddle, coffee, empty space, tears
Come back to me as a burden that lumbers Bonnie in langour Summer morningsstill.
© Copyright 2005 Jack Vaughan.
Last update: 1/13/2005; 8:43:28 PM.