New! Project Gutenberg Consortia Center "The Mission of this center is to: Encourage the Creation and Distribution of eBooks [electronic books].In general, this center is focused on the collection of collections of eBooks, rather than the inclusion of one eBook at a time. Creation of such a Consortium Center brings with it some natural differences which should be obvious: such as the difference between doing new copyright research for one eBook at a time and dealing with the acquisition of an eBook collection that might contain hundreds or thousands of eBooks. In particular, this center acts as a clearinghouse for eBooks presumed to be public domain in the United States, but whose copyright data are not yet sufficient to pass the extreme copyright research required for inclusion in the general Project Gutenberg collection as per copyright requirements in the United States. There will also be Project Gutenberg Consortia Centers for "life +50," "life +70" countries, and hopefully even for "life +60" countries such as India, Venezuela, etc." Read more: 2:35:30 PM ![]() |
The OpenReader Consortium Project "OpenReader™ is a cooperative project to create next-generation software for reading digital publications. The software and accompanying format are for books, periodicals, newspapers, business documents, and other similar types of publications — most any type of content best presented in a page-based manner. The OpenReader System will be open source, built upon XML and related open standards." 2:24:50 PM ![]() |