Thursday, September 9, 2004

Fred already got the really good title in his What Kind of Crap Is This? post, and Jason Chervokas has a more thorough response in his The Fear President post, but this recent Cheney quote that "If we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again..." is so egregious that I had to post something, too, if only pointers to other posts.

One thing I will add is in response to Josh Poulson's post AP Quoting Out of Context. I, too, am often frustrated by actions and comments that are distorted by taking them out of their context. (See the mischaracterization of Senator Kerry's voting record on weapons projects for one example.) However, I have read the full quote in Josh's post, and I don't see where it makes Vice President Cheney's quote any more appropriate.

P.S. Here's a link to the story on CNN.
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