Sunday, October 28, 2007

Plone events on the horizon

The Plone community manages the selection on its Plone Conference each year as the one big event that brings us together.  I believe there is also a sense, though, that we should encourage a number of smaller, regional events as well.

There are two planned that I know about.  Mike Halm is planning an event at Penn State University, March 10-15.  The event is called "Rally in the Valley: Setting Directions for Higher Education".  I believe they're looking to have really good turnout.

Enfold is planning to have its famous Plone Symposium in New Orleans, June 4-6, same venue as last time.  Focus is on Plone development and consulting.

Expect announcements on both of these in the coming weeks.

I believe there is also talk about having a Zope/Plone event in Brazil in conjunction with FISL.  Anybody else planning anything?

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