Another cool thing about the Dr. Scheme programming environment is the "Check Syntax" feature. After you have written some code in the editor pane, you can hit the "Check Syntax" button to make sure you've written valid Scheme. The syntax checker just checks, well, syntax. It doesn't catch some of the runtime errors that can happen like calling functions that don't exist. But that's not its purpose.
The amazingly cool thing about using "Check Syntax" is what happens after your source has been checked (and I'm guessing parsed). After checking syntax, you can hover over any of the variable or function references in your code and arrows appear to show you where the other references to the symbol occur. By right clicking on the arrows (control click on Mac) you get a context menu that gives you the ability to tack/untack the arrows and change the name of the symbol you're on. Very very cool.
Check out the shots...

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