Updated: 22/7/2003; 10:27:22 PM.
Andrew's Cellar
random mutterings on technology, business and life's passions

Tuesday, 29 April 2003

Halley says we need to take care in the next few days. She might be in America and I'm not, but I still felt a little tingle of apprehension as I read. Intuition doesn't have to be anything spooky; some people are able to pick up subtle signs and make connections the rest of us don't. And I'd rather listen to a genuine call for awareness than the pathetic government campaign we were subjected to here in Aus, complete with sick-making, 1950s-style, "we want to protect our way of life" ads warning us to be "alert but not alarmed", WTF that was supposed to mean.

11:00:40 PM    comment []

The little Site Meter thingy tells me that my traffic is up to unheard-of heights for about the 3rd day in the last week. Intrigued, I checked the referrals report, which hopefully shows where my visitors came from. Now this really spun me out: they're mostly arriving -- hello y'all -- by way of Google searches on "andrew barnett". That's me!

So I did the Google thing too. And guess what? I am the number 2 second-top result. Today, at least, I am the second-most-famous Andrew Barnett on the whole Web. Woo hoo!

So, this is my 15 minutes of fame, huh? And the money, booze and women are where exactly?

10:26:57 PM    comment []

Well, the headache from hell is sort of back in its cage, but it's rattling the bars and looking for a way, any way, out. The right side of my face is sore to the touch and I can feel the tension hovering there, waiting to strike

I won't take any more drugs though. The Mersyndol did some interesting things to me: about half an hour after taking them, I became quite tired and woozy, typing 2 letters forward, 1 back. I gave up and went to bed. But all I could do was doze for the next hour. I couldn't fall into a proper sleep and every little noise woke me. Then, of course, I couldn't wake up so well this morning until my excellent wife bounded out of bed and brought me my morning mug of filter coffee. OK, it was probably her turn but it was a nice thing to do.

Where it got weird was when I hit the city at about 8:30. I was standing at the lights, waiting to cross, when I turned and looked at the lady next to me. And nearly fell over backwards. Her face was in my face, if you get me. Like huge and crystal clear and almost as though through a wide-angle lens. Everything I turned my gaze on would slowly come into crystal-clear focus and appear to grow in size slightly, and it would be the only thing really in focus. The effect was very much like the Dock on Apple Macs, where the icons grow as you mouse over them. It was odd, but the effect was pretty mild, so not too worrying and actually rather entertaining.

10:15:02 PM    comment []

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