The monthly meeting of CentraLUG, the Concord/Central New Hampshire chapter of the Greater New Hampshire Linux Users Group, occurs on the first Monday of each month on the New Hampshire Technical Institute Campus starting at 7 PM. (Note that we're likely to reschedule the July meeting as it falls on the Fourth.)
This month, we'll be meeting in Room 146 of the Library/Learning Center/Bookstore,, marked as "I" on that map. Directions and maps are available on the NHTI site at The main meeting starts at 7 PM, with Ed Lawson presenting Scribus, an open desktop publishing system. Open to the public. Free admission. Tell your friends.
Scribus is available from and is not just another pretentious word processor, but an entire pre-press system for producing high-quality documents suitable for publication. It will generate PDF files. It has a new "Scriptor" API for scripting in Python. Imports and exports SVG. Bells! Whistles! It runs natively under Linux and under X11 on Mac OS X and (in theory, anyway) CygWin on Windows. Scribus is distributed under the GPL.
More details at about this meeting and the group are available at and
Hope to see you there!
3:13:21 PM