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  Saturday, May 24, 2003

Simon Phipps asked How does one penetrate the 'inner circle' of weblogs? And Scoble shined a big, bright spotlight on him. But while the spotlight may bring the readers out, only content will keep them coming back. Between a fickle readership and a high blog mortality rate, I figure that my best bet is to blog my interests and let the chips fall where they may.

Most of my readers have been coming from Google, searching on Ant and JUnit. So I submitted my Java Tutorials page to the Open Directory Project. And I'm pleased to say that I'm on the Beginning Java Tutorial page as of Friday. It may not be the inner circle, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick.

Faster, Higher, Stronger

You have to win it on the field. You have to enter the field of play and stand up and be counted. And so it was just and proper for Annika Sorenstam to compete in the Bank of America Colonial Invitational.

Now it is done. Sorenstam has proven that she can compete with the best players in the world on the right course. And the PGA has demonstrated that the best woman player in the world is not a threat to win, even on a hand picked course.

Sorenstam doesn't plan on playing in a PGA event again — she has learned what she needed to know. The PGA may change their bylaws to prevent a repeat. That would be a mistake. If they aspire to be the best in the world, then they need to stay open to all comers.