Tuesday, July 08, 2003

I'll pay for a better URL

The first thing that I noticed about the TypePad beta is that I got to choose the url: http://firststep.blogs.com. Over time, my fingers have developed some pretty good muscle memory for 0118153. But just try telling someone that your blog is at: http://radio.weblogs.com/0118153 – it took me weeks to be able to remember it.

And while it's not like I'd definitely dump Radio for TypePad to get a better url, I have to say that it is a factor. So just in case UserLand is listening, I'm willing to pay an extra $10/year for a better url. Heck, I'm willing to pay an extra $20-$30/year + registration fees for my own domain name.

You gotta do what you gotta do

Tim Oren points out that sometimes you need VC money. And I think that TypePad is a perfect example – because you need a hosted product to compete in today's weblog market. I didn't even consider Moveable Type when I was looking at weblog products because I was looking for a hosted service. And I have the skills to select a hosting plan, obtain a domain name, and install Moveable Type. If you can't reach me, then who can you reach?

And hosting takes money. Nothing will kill a new service faster than poor responsiveness and lightning quick word of mouth. So you gotta have solid servers and you gotta have a big network pipe. And you gotta have the money.

I'm still waiting

Day 2 with TypePad and so far, so good. Radio Userland is an odd amalgam of both a thick and a thin client – some days it feels like the best of both worlds and some days it feels like the worst. I expect that Rogers Cadenhead's Radio UserLand Kick Start will help me eliminate some of the lows once it's available.

I'm still waiting for TypePad to reveal it's inner nature.