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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Trick for Using JDeveloper on Two Monitors with a Laptop on Windows XP

I am probably the last person on earth to have learned this, but today someone showed me that Windows XP has a built-in feature for laptops to be able to support using an external monitor as a second monitor, along with the built-in laptop screen. By selecting the Properties... pick on the desktop context menu, then choosing the Settings tab,  you simply check the Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor checkbox, and then drag the [1] and [2] boxes representing the multiple monitors to arrange then side by side, or above/below each other in the way you prefer. After doing this I've got JDeveloper running at 1280 or 1600 resolution on my external monitor, and my web browser and RSS news aggregator running on my built-in laptop screen.

Cool. I always thought there was something wrong with my system that it was showing me a greyed-out number [2] box in that dialog. I figured the greyed-out-ness was trying to tell me that I had no second monitor, so I never thought to click on it to set properties on it.

6:39:00 PM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.