Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

If you're using EJB today and interested in how it's evolving in the EJB 3.0 version, you'll find the new Oracle Technology Network EJB 3.0 Resources page of interest.

Similarly the new JavaServer Faces Resources page provides information for those trying to get up to speed with this new vendor-neutral way to build web pages from standards-based web components.

JDeveloper 10g release 10.1.3 will feature rich support for both of these, as well as enhanced support in our Oracle ADF framework for working with them.

1:05:00 PM    

As a part of my job, I try to follow pretty closely what Microsoft is up to in the area of development tools. I noticed this week that Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 was available for MSDN Universal subscribers, so a few days ago I kicked off the hulking 4 gigabyte download which finally completed this morning. After cloning a Virtual PC disk image with a bare-bones Windows XP SP2 install, I've now kicked off the VS 2005 Beta 2 install so I can take it for a spin to see what's changed since their February 2005 tech preview.

Eventually I hope to write up some kind of side-by-side comparison of  JDeveloper 10g 10.1.3 and Visual Studio 2005. I think we will really hold our own in every category against VS in this comparison, and actually come out ahead in some of the areas, not least of which the J2EE-compliance that means your applications built with JDeveloper and ADF are not tied to Microsoft Windows.

Both we and Microsoft have worked to add a lot of improvements in the Coder Productivity category (like tons of new refactoring support just to mention one), and with the addition of JavaServer Faces to our stable of features -- married with Oracle ADF to make the rest of the application easier to build -- I'm predicting that we'll have a super-compelling offering that will stand up to the venerable Visual Studio (and our download will be less than one tenth its size!)

12:20:59 PM    

Ferran writes in to ask:

I would like to know how to develop a UI using JClient/Swing that supports internationalization for a multi-language user interface.

As far a localized prompts, tooltips, format masks, etc., ADF Business Components and JClient cooperate to provide that support for your Swing applications out of the box. We do this by automatically saving these so-called "UI Hints" in locale-specific Java message bundle files. The ADF BC wizards manage the default message bundle file for you, and then you need to manually provide the translated versions.

For example, if you define the prompts, tooltips, and format masks as the entity object level, then for an example entity object named com.yourcompany.hr.Employee you would end up having a com.yourcompany.hr.common.EmployeeImplMsgBundle class with your strings in it. You edit the strings through the Entity Object wizard's panels for "Control Hints" on each attribute, but we under the covers save the information for you in this resource bundle.

Let's say that your customer uses Spanish as the default locale, they will type in prompts and tooltips and format masks that make sense for Spain. If they also need to support Portugese, or English, they would create a message bundle file com.yourcompany.hr.common.EmployeeImplMsgBundle_pt or com.yourcompany.hr.common.EmployeeImplMsgBundle_en that extends the base message bundle and adds the strings that need to be translated.

If you download not-yet-documented example application # 23 from my blog samples page, you can experiment with setting the locale between US and IT to see english prompts and italian prompts in a JClient panel to make the ideas here more concrete.

11:57:27 AM    

The May/June issue of Oracle Magazine is live today and along with it my Developer: Frameworks column about Working with Data in ADF.

You can refer to previous columns in this series here.

11:18:38 AM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.