Despite our documentation team's best efforts to deliver both ADF Developer's Guides at the same time when JDeveloper 10.1.3 went production, only the guide targeting experienced J2EE developers (which talks about building Oracle ADF applications using EJB/Toplink and JSF) was ready to ship this past weekend. We are still busy working on finishing the ADF Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers that covers using Oracle ADF with ADF Business Components, the technology stack used by Oracle Applications and thousands of existing customers. It is slated for delivery on OTN later this quarter.
Each guide will recommend a specific technology stack combination to its target audience. To help clarify any possible confusion arising from the fact that only one of the two planned ADF Developer's Guides is available at present, I've posted an article on OTN:
ADF Developer's Guides and Recommended Technology Stacks for JDeveloper/ADF 10.1.3
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