Dive into Oracle ADF

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Tips and tricks from Steve Muench on Oracle ADF Framework and JDeveloper IDE

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Friday, September 19, 2008

I've added example # 130 showing two alternative approaches to handle the "JBO-35007: Row currency has changed since the user interface was rendered" exception in a bit more user-friendly way.

Two Ideas to Handle JBO-35007 'Row Currency Changed' Exception

5:06:25 PM    

When I checked my Gmail inbox from the lobby computer at a hotel where I'm staying near Oracle headquarters yesterday, I was surprised to be greeted by the following completely redesigned GMail v2.0 user interface. I took a screenshot and mailed it to myself to capture what it looked like. Subsequent times I've checked my email since then the current look and feel showed up again so it seemed to be either a mistake or some kind of targeted preview that only lasted that one session. I didn't see anything about it on other blogs I follow, so I figured I'd post what I saw here...

UPDATE: Oops. I guess the computer where I was sitting had installed this Firefox "Stylish" extension installed with this user script to restyle Gmail.

4:37:33 PM    

© Copyright 2008 Steve Muench.