UML Diagram of Key BC4J Client Interfaces
This is a little UML diagram of the most common interfaces that developers use for working with data using the BC4J framework. These are all interfaces in the oracle.jbo package. The reason they are interfaces is that applications built using the BC4J framework are always logically three-tier in architecture, but the developer can choose to deploy them in a physical two-tier or physical three-tier deployment (at any time!). By sticking to interfaces, the framework can implement the interfaces for you in different ways depending on whether you choose the 2-tier or 3-tier deployment, and your code doesn't have to change when you repartition the client layer from the middle-tier service layer. For a web application, the client might be a set of JSP pages. You can choose to deploy the service layer as a set of simple Java classes in the web tier, or alternative choose to deploy it as an EJB Session Bean (with either local or remote interfaces) in the EJB container.
