Stars of Silent Blogging
momentary transmissions of a fairly balanced tangential mind

Good Folk

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Wednesday, May 05, 2004

What kind of insane Upside Down World do we live in?  Why on earth is Bush leading in almost every poll? Ok, so they may be statistical dead heats.  Why on earth are they statistical dead heats?

This feels like 2000 all over again, except--even worse--we now <b>really know</b> how insanely bad Bush is for America, let alone the rest of the planet.  Why are over 40% of this country still willing to support him?  Why is Kerry chasing the center? Didn't he and his advisors learn anything from 2000? from 2002?  What the hell?  Doesn't Kerry realize that the Repugnicans have pulled the "center" so far to the right that phrase has no meaning?  If Bush can play to his base, why the hell can't Kerry?  Why do the Dems bend over backwards (or forwards, really) for civility?  I'm all for being civil, but that doesn't mean you can't speak the truth!

Bush and his gang of evil-doers are bad! They're doers of evil.  They need to be called on their actions.  Why won't Kerry just stand up and call Bush on his shit?  So what if it tarnishes some of Kerry's past votes like, oh, voting for the idiotic war in Iraq or the PATRIOT Act, Kerry is tarnished even more by not saying these were poor choices and he has freakin' learned from his mistakes!  Jesus, neither Kerry nor Bushie can admit to making a single mistake! 

Why would we want a leader who can't learn?  What kind of a leader is that?  They're going to lead you right into one ocean or the other.  A real leader admits they don't know all the answers, but they're going to try to figure it out!  They'll learn from their mistakes.  That's one of the things that got Clinton so far with folks--he admitted fallibility.  Sure he was far from perfect--who is?--but he copped to mistakes (not all, but at least some) and made ouvres to remedying them.  Bush hasn't tried that once and Kerry doesn't seem to be making any effort to.


10:21:12 PM    comment []

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