Updated: 3/28/2005; 11:13:37 AM.
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Saturday, September 27, 2003
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We just got a new gas grill, the Charbroil BigEasy, our third gas grill in 15 years. Spent a little more this time, and are happy with it so far. Our first non-briquet grill, really does seem to cut down greatly on flare-ups. I really coveted a Weber, but couldn't justify $350 vs $199.

Webers just generally seem really nice, although I can only identify one clear advantage versus most other grills: the drip-catch system. Webers have that nice, big, flat pan, whereas other grills have that stupid hanging soup can. With previous grills, the dumb soup can hasn't been that big a problem since the fact is, the briquets wind up absorbing most of the grease anyway (hence the flare-ups). I observed tonight, and fully half the drips seemed to wind up not in the soup can, but on my deck. And if you get really lucky, the soup can will blow around in the wind and fall off the cheesy hanger they provide.

I can't for the life of me understand why Charbroil and Fiesta haven't copied this one, simple, cheap little feature from Weber! 

8:55:44 PM    comment []

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