STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
Updated: 5/25/2005; 4:36:54 PM.




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Saturday, June 05, 2004

From LaborNotes comes a thought provoking article showing how a bunch of unorganized troqueros, reacting to higher fuel costs, can make use of distribution "choke points" to get the bosses attention. Even the mighty UP railroad was affected.

Dockside Wildcats Halt Freight Traffic
Gas Prices Fuel Port Drivers’ Revolt

by Chris Kutalik

June 2004

Wildcat strikes, rallies, and highway blockades by port truck drivers rocked West
and East Coast ports in late April and early May. Angered by rising diesel fuel prices and other factors that keep them at or under the poverty line, hundreds of mostly African-American and Latino owner-operators (sometimes called troqueros) parked their trucks and blocked terminals.

The protests seem to be organized mostly by loose networks of drivers, their families, and supporters from local groups. They have no formal organization nor recognized leaders, although some competition is evident among individuals vying for leadership.

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