STRAIGHT TRACK : Intercraft Communications for Reality-Based Rails
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Read his lips, "No new taxes - except for rails trying to protect their rights.":



Bush Targets Rail Workers






The Bush administration is trying to suppress rail workers from using their rights to file grievances on critical issues like working conditions, safety, and pay. 

Under the thin bureaucratic smokescreen of new "filing fees" -- which would apply to workers, but not to management – certain Bush appointees to the National Mediation Board are trying to cut down on the number of rail workers who speak up on the job and exercise their rights under union contracts.

As part of a deal struck between labor, management and our government more than 70 years ago, the government has picked up the cost of arbitrating labor-management disputes in the rail industry.  But by levying a new tax on rail workers, and not management, the intent of these "reforms" is crystal clear: silencing workers and tilting the playing field in management's favor.

This one-way tax on your rights is yet another example of the White House's long-running assault on your collective bargaining.  So what's next, having to pay to vote?

Nobody can silence us…tell the Bush Administration to abandon this blatant assault on your rights.

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