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mardi 15 avril 2003

"This article argues that this unprecedented viral attack is, alternatively, an ingenious social experiment featuring institutionalized bioterrorism for widespread psycho-social control."
There are people who take Leonard G. Horowitz, D.M.D., M.A., M.P.H. author of 'SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Great Global SCAM' and "thirteen books including the national bestseller, 'Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional?'; and, 'Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare'" very seriously. "I'm building a bomb shelter and storing food staples," headlines one customer reviewer of 'Emerging Viruses' at Amazon.
"Who better to link the Illuminati, the Rothchilds, the Royal Family, George Bush's grandfather, the Rockefellers, Adolf Hitler, Merck, Bayer, BASF, Hoechst, I.G. Farben, the CIA, the NIH, vaccine related neurotoxicity, hypersensitivity, the devil doers of the Red Cross, 911 related events, a secret city under the Denver International Airport, and a Nazi artist who lives near him in Idaho."
Quackerywatch brings a very different perspective on the messianic dentist. (Oh, and where did I get introduced to this apparently well-known feller? At Cruel Site of the Day. Some of them are!)

12:59:27 PM  link   your views? []

nick b. 2007 do share, don't steal, please credit
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