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dimanche 19 septembre 2004

Over RoadMy iPod's battery has been playing up, says it's charged, then kills the magic soundbox between five and 20 minutes later.
I'm among the latest big batch of poor sods complaining about this just after their guarantee -- almost needless to say -- expired.

Some say there's no real problem (MacRumors), Mark recently found a home-done swap (with Apple's disapproval) is "surprisingly easy" (Boing Boing), Ted's made a "pack" (Speedfactory) and Steve's boys knew about this all along (Apple -- one of many).
So, for that matter, did I, almost from the day I bought it.

"From the Support page: 'If your iPod fails to hold a charge and it's more than a year old, you may need a new battery. Click Continue to order iPod battery service for $99 USD. This program is not available in Europe at this time'."
That was Slashdot in November last year (my italics).

The "program" is now available in Europe. The cost? 130.96 euros ( At tonight's rate: 159.43 dollars.
Ninety-nine was "highway robbery", a Slashdotter rightly said. I have two words for Apple France and their 159.43 dollars, not for the first time, nor the last (more expensive Macs than US ones with bad video cards, endless delays over the iTunes Music Store, illegal practices in trying to prevent the use of external DVD players): "Screw you!"
As ever, I shall put it more diplomatically when I inform the local chiefs of my latest gripes with the makers of the Rolls-Royce of computers.
That's but a handful of links stocked to date. When I've cracked it without breaking the iPod, I'll say how.
Who knows? Maybe it'll work in the morning now that I've moaned.

Know what I watched last night? 'The Silence of the Lambs'.
Felt better after that...

So why the cellphone pix? They're no clearer than usual, but the tree across the road is now in very autumnal mood, like the window box of the nice old dear who gets to see me typing in summer with no clothes on.
Out back, however, my geraniums seem to think I've got green fingers. If I can keep boxes like that happy for more than a year, then why can't Apple?

Should it be news you want (I've had my dose for the day), we learn from several places in the blogosphere that NewsIsFree now brings us a new kind of newsmap. Along with premium services.
Will they change their site name if nobody else has nabbed

Siona's blog has a front page link to free iPods. Do you believe it? I confess I didn't try...
But then she, like me, is

"inordinately affected by the weather. It took me a long time to admit this; for years I refused to acknowledge that my moods might be linked to something as improbable and distant as the sky. I was a rational person, I thought; my emotions were linked to that which mattered, and not some butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon. Now I'm less embarrassed by my sensitivity. I'm an animal. I reside in a body that resides in the world that itself reclines under a pulsing membrane of pressure and weather and rain. How can my own cells ignore the atmosphere around me? How can my bones disregard the heaviness of the air? How can I not fail to respond to the sun on a clear day? It's more embarrassing to me now to think that I once believed I should be capable of ignoring all this. I'm attuned to the world. We all are. And I no longer mind" (at 'Nomen est Numen', via the ever mindful Kathryn).
There's something in the air.
Ataegina's caught it too:
"Comme le lieu de l'attraction cosmique,
flot continuel de mouvement
la pesanteur, la chute,
les éléments réels, incontournables.

la spécificité du langage physique,
à la fois vivante et magnifiquement naïve.
That's how she starts her admirable thoughts for the day.
A spot check of some others on the blogroll unfortunately currently finds many of them into "election fever", uncomfortably close to news for my taste tonight.
How come many of them are all the nasty things I might so soon after 'Many 2 Many' wondered why "all wikipedia [meta] articles sound the same while every blog sounds different?
"...perhaps multiple truths deserve multiple pages. Isn’t that why the Web itself has succeeded?
Now there's a thought.

9:20:18 PM  link   your views? []

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