
Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Are We Slackers?


Don't Slack Off

  • Whatsoever ye shalt ask in My name, that will I do.  John 14:13

Am I fulfilling this ministry of intercession deep within the hidden recesses of my life? There is no trap nor any danger at all of being deceived or of showing pride in true intercession. It is a hidden ministry that brings forth fruit through which the Father is glorified. Am I allowing my spiritual life to waste away, or am I focused, bringing everything to one central point - the atonement of my Lord? Is Jesus Christ more and more dominating every interest of my life? If the central point, or the most powerful influence, of my life is the atonement of the Lord, then every aspect of my life will bear fruit for Him.

However, I must take the time to realize what this central point of power is. Am I willing to give one minute out of every hour to concentrate on it? "If you abide in Me . . . " - that is, if you continue to act, and think, and work from that central point - "you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you" ( John 15:7 ). Am I abiding? Am I taking the time to abide? What is the greatest source of power in my life? Is it my work, service, and sacrifice for others, or is it my striving to work for God? It should be none of these - what ought to exert the greatest power in my life is the atonement of the Lord. It is not on what we spend the greatest amount of time that molds us the most, but whatever exerts the most power over us. We must make a determination to limit and concentrate our desires and interests on the atonement by the Cross of Christ.

"Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do . . . ." The disciple who abides in Jesus is the will of God, and what appears to be his free choices are actually God’s foreordained decrees. Is this mysterious? Does it appear to contradict sound logic or seem totally absurd? Yes, but what a glorious truth it is to a saint of God.

Taken From My Utmost For His Highest By Oswald Chambers.

6:13:23 PM    comment []

Money Leads; Hearts Follow

Money Leads; Hearts Follow

Taken From The Book The Law of Rewards By Permission From Randy Alcorn.

Suppose I offer you one thousand dollars to spend today however you want.  Not a bad deal.  But suppose I give you a choice.  You can either have that thousand dollars today, or you can have ten million dollars if you wait one year - then ten million more every year thereafter.
What would you chose?
Only a fool would take the thousand dollars today.  Yet that's what we do when we grab on to what will last only for a moment, forgoing something far more valuable we cold enjoy later for much longer.  A year may seem like a long time to wait.  But after it's done - as when our lives here are done - it will seem like it passed incredibly quickly.  Early in the year, some may gloat about how they have the thousand dollars and we don't.  But as the year goes on, every day their little treasure fades, while our huge treasure gets closer.
Where is your heart?
Christ's words are profound:  "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" (Matthew 6:21).  What we do with our possessions is a sure indicator of what's in our hearts.  Jesus is saying, "Show me your checkbook, your credit card statement, and your receipts for cash expenditures, and I'll show you where your heart is."  What we do with our money doesn't lie.  It's a bold statement to God of what we truly value.
But what we do with our money doesn't simply indicate where our heart is.  According to Jesus, it determines where our heart goes.  This is an amazing and exciting truth.  If I want my heart to be in one particular place and not in another, then I need to put my money in that place and not in the other.  
I have heard people say, "I want more of a heart for missions."  I always respond, "Jesus tells you exactly how to get it.  Put your money in missions, and your heart will follow."
Do you wish you had a greater heart for the poor and lost?  Then give your money to help the poor and reach the lost.  Do you want your heart to be in your church?  Put your money there.  Your heart will always be where your money is.  Your heart will never be where your money isn't.  If most of your money is in mutual funds, retirement, your house, or your hobby, that's where your heart is going to be.
That doesn't mean it is wrong to have some money in earthly things.  Nor does it mean that earthly things can't be used as they are - without liquidating them - to serve God's purposes.
"In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has" (Proverbs 21:20).  The ant is commended because "it stores its provisions in the summer and gathers its food at harvest." (Proverbs 6:6-8).  It's a shortsighted person who fails to store up provisions (money, food, materials) for upcoming times of predictable need.
Yet there's a point where accumulating money and possessions becomes stockpiling, which generates a strong gravitational hold on our hearts.  Saving becomes hoarding when it's asserting our financial independence so we imagine we don't have to trust God anymore.  Retirement savings can be excessive and too easily become our source of security, turning into idols. 
Giving is the alternative to spending or hoarding that breaks the back of materialism.  The act of giving is a vivid reminder that it's all about God, not about us.  Giving is a joyful surrender to a greater person and greater agenda.  It affirms Christ's lordship.  Giving dethrones me and exalts him.  It breaks the chains of mammon that would enslave me.  It makes heaven, not earth, my center of gravity.
"My heart isn't in the things of God." Is it because your treasure isn't in the things of God?  Put your resources, your assets, your money and possessions, your time and talents and energies into the things of God.  As surely as the compass needle follows north, your heart will follow your treasure.
Money leads; hearts follow.
Copyright 1989,2002,2003 By Eternal Perspective Ministries.

5:38:07 PM    comment []

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