This Spanish Broom shrub in front of a house I spent a few days in last week is about 12' tall - practically a tree!
10:53:47 PM comment [];
What's important - Wine Oil Water
10:49:13 PM comment [];
Limited Edition CD - On Monday I will get a test pressing of the mini CD. This mini CD should play back in any CD player, except maybe car players - but go ahead, burn yourself a copy on a regular sized CD.
10:25:52 PM comment [];
Studio Update - No, it is still not working properly. ProTools starts up and sees the interface, but the computer crashes hard after about 8 seconds of playback. Magma has tried the same combination of computers I am using (the 17" AlBook and the dual proc. 1.25GHz tower) and they are having the same problems. They are working with Apple to figure out a solution. Patience, will be beautiful when it works.......
10:18:44 PM comment [];
Wisteria - this old wisteria must have been 100 feet tall, living in a pine tree. Everything thrives in Tuscany. I get the feeling one could plant a broom stick in the ground and it would bloom.
10:10:38 PM comment [];
Car Control - How do Italians keep cars out of a small residential street, without impeding foot, bicycle and scooter traffic and without keeping residents from entering the street by car? The answer is a smart column...local traffic receives a remote control that makes it disappear into the cobblestone with a cute noise and blinking LEDs. Italy is an amazing mix of the very very old and the very new.
5:42:43 PM comment [];
26 hours of travel can take it out of you....fired up the laptop at 4am to find hundreds of messages and discovered that the web was still there.
5:30:06 AM comment [];