Ottmar Liebert
Music, Performance, Recording, the Business of Music, Traveling, Life, Art + unrelated subjects!


Friday, July 16, 2004

Kevin and Mo
A picture named MoKevin.jpg

While Kevin is programming the lights, our new monitor engineer Mo is setting up the guitar mics. This was Mo's first tour with us.
  9:52:15 PM    

Kevin sets up Technobeams
A picture named Technobeams.jpg

Every moving light is programmed with this controller. Each location, each arc, each turn is entered here. Especially difficult when the show is outdoors and the LD (Lighting Designer) has to program the lights during the day. That's when experience really counts. Kevin has been my LD since 1993 or 1994.
  9:46:59 PM    

Guitar Rig with my Vizcarra Strat
A picture named GuitarRig1.jpg
  9:42:56 PM    

Yes, I positively love my new Guitar Rig. I will use it on the Fall Tour. Damn, that shit sounds good! Why anybody would still buy a regular guitar amp is beyond me! Today I used the stereo in my house to play electric guitar and if I had to be quiet I could use headphones.

Hello, you parents out there! Buy your kid Guitar Rig! It sounds better than a regular guitar amp and if you need some peace and quiet, just hand the guitarist his/her headphones!

You can thank me later.
  7:22:11 PM    

You learn something new every day. I had never heard of this service, but next week I'll be chatting with Stuart Davis for the Integral Naked web site, and they use this site to arrange their phone conversations and record them. What a great idea! I should be using this for every phone interview!
  7:18:16 PM    

I received the Guitar Rig software and controller yesterday and loaded the software did all the things one has to do: register, authorize and update...

This morning I set up my laptop, the foot-controller and played my electric guitar longer than I have played it in many years...

I have one first comment: I have waited all of my life for this thing!!!!
  2:31:10 PM    

The first pictures of a full-scale version of the world's largest aircraft, the A380, are released by Airbus. [BBC | TECH]
And that means... even slower boarding? More people to be scanned and undressed, more people waiting at the gate, more people trying to get on the same flight...
  12:35:47 PM    

Scientists are developing ways of capturing human movement to make music by simple gestures. [BBC | TECH]
Well, that's nice, but more important than being able mix with gestures would be this: a sound engineer should be able to walk through the venue and adjust the sound wherever he is, rather than having to run back to the big board, make a change, and run back to find out whether the change had the desired effect...

The gestural mixer would be great for a studio, but live it would not be as useful as the ability to move and input while moving....
  12:34:18 PM    

Asphalt Reflections 3
A picture named AsphaltReflections3.jpg
  12:27:29 PM    

I was having lunch with my aunt today and she complained that her earrings were always getting in the way of her cell phone. I suddenly said, "hey, wouldn't it be cool if your earrings were your cellphone!" The basic idea would be to make earrings that had bluetooth, a speaker and a mic in them. We could call them "hearrings." They would be better than an earbud or an annoying wired earphone. Of course it would only really work for women (ok, and some men who have their ears pierced I supposed).

[Minding the Planet]
There are more guys with pierced ears than you think!
  12:26:05 PM    

New Set?
What a cool set! ;) Will that be the typical set for the rest of the tour? - Adam Solomon • 7/14/04; 12:57:07 PM
Perfectly reasonable question, Adam, but I had to laugh. No, we won't be carrying those big columns and the round ceiling... they are solid concrete and part of the Paolo Soleri Amphiheater. We do, however, try to make our set-up and lights fit the venue we are in and Kevin, our Lighting designer, made great use of the surroundings last Saturday.
  12:23:59 PM    

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