LRC Blog : School Library News from the KPRDSB Learning Resources Centre
Updated: 9/29/2004; 12:37:04 PM.


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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Wikipedia (a free online encyclopedia)is a tremendous example of collaborative content creation. This Slashdot interview with Wikipedia's founder gives insight into the project, its motivations, meaning, and reasons for success. It's a refreshing read in "successfully implemented idealism".

Comment: Like social network analysis and communities, collaborative content creation has been untapped by education providers. Our course-based focus of learning continues to be at odds with how many people learn today. This is not to say that courses aren't valuable...just that they need to be properly positioned in a wider array of learning methods - not centric, but complimentary to the entire learning/knowledge acquisition experience.

10:06:49 AM    comment []  

eSchool News
eSchool News has this piece on RSS and its potentials in schools. The article also briefly discusses blogs and wikis.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) might not mean much yet to the average internet user--but it soon could revolutionize the medium. Some forward-thinking educators are taking advantage of the burgeoning technology to keep abreast of school-related issues and push important information to stakeholders.
eSchool News now has RSS feeds of it's own, by the way, and stay tuned for some more blog related initiatives that may be coming down the pike. [Weblogg-ed News]
9:23:37 AM    comment []  

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