Spider King of .NET Evangelism

June 2003
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 Monday, June 09, 2003

Obligatory TechEd Blog Entry

I was there...it was good.  I'll let the other 300 blogs out there tell you what happened. 

Sidethought: how many of you have virtually attended conferences through blogs?  It is interesting, there have been a couple of conferences I could not attend but was able to get the "vibe" and some of the content via blogs I read about the conference.  Let me know conferences you have "blogattended".


10:45:35 PM    

Christmas Comes Early

While sitting in Rob Howard's office today, he gave me a copy of a book he co-authored with Steven A. Smith called ASP.NET Developer's Cookbook which is similar to the PHP Developer's Cookbook.  It is great for those times when you want to just know how to do something such as finding a node in an XML document or generating a class using the CodeDOM using ASP.NET.

10:34:34 PM    

It's Been A While

All 3 of my readers may be wondering what happened to me as you have not heard from me in a while.  There is quite a bit going on right now.  I am transitioning into an ASP.NET Evangelist while finishing up TechEd and in the zone for our internal Microsoft conference for the Field offices around the world.  I also am managing our internal site for the team using the new version of Windows Sharepoint Services.  So things are quite busy.  In fact, I had to turn down an offer to do something VERY COOL today because I just couldn't put anything else on the plate.  I was bummed because I enjoy putting together awesome demos.  I am like the cheerleaders on Saturday Night Live.  "You know what the developers need...you guessed it...THE PERFECT DEMO!"  :)

10:25:57 PM