Back from our dream cruise!
Yesterday we returned home after a wonderful vacation, a dream cruise. It was our second honeymoon celebration. Cruising is such a great way to travel. We love it! I can't think of a more luxurious way to travel. The ship is like a floating resort and is a destination in itself. The best part is the ability to get a flavor of a bunch of fun destinations and, once you are situated on-ship, never having to pack or hassle with luggage. It is like magic, you party at night and wake up the next day where you want to go. That is too cool! We are already planning our next cruise. Thinking of my dadAlso yesterday marked the anniversary of my dad's passing. On this day in 1977 my father passed on. He still lives in my heart. I think of him often and dream of the conversations I wish I could have with him.
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