Sue still sick, Fran was in hospital
Sue has a sinus infection and has had a fever. Sue has been sick and miserable for days and is now on antibiotics. Meanwhile I spent most of Wednesday in ER with Fran after she started having an irregular heartbeat. They admitted her for one night and she was released yesterday after some tests.
Geek Dinner Fun
Despite all the changes of plans this week due to illnesses I did get out yesterday to go to the city for Bob's annual geek dinner. It was tons of fun!
I had a great time at the Bob Scoble's Geek Dinner last night in San Francisco! I talked to a lot of very smart people who were very generous with their time. I learned that a Technorati is not an Italian sports car with a lot of gizmos and that some of the folks I had previously only read about are really nice people. Here is a posting by Thomas Hawk whom I spent a lot of time talking with. We had a great conversation! It is pretty informative and links to a great photo of Bob (and friends!)
Matthew Mullenweg was very generous in opening up his home for a party after the dinner! Too much fun. These are folks who attended: Robert
Scoble | Steve
Gillmor | Steve
Sloan | Dori
Smith | Farida Paramita | Michael
Eakes | Dan Gould | Christopher
Carfi | Masha Solorzano | Scott Rafer
| Dan
Farber | Lisa Canter
| Marc
Canter | Mimi Canter | Lucy
Canter | Lyndon Wong
| Ron
Lichty | Tom Conrad | Marc Novakowski
| Pierre Wolff | Nadeem Bitar
| Kaliya
Hamlin | Brian Hamlin |
Jones | Nicole Lee
| Kevin
Marks | Thomas
| Neal
Drumm | Tony Chang
| Zack
Rosen | Kieran Lal | Jasmeet Singh
| Jason
DeFillippo | Ian
Kallen | Kevin Burton
| Brad
Neuberg | Renee
Blodgett | Jeff Minard
| Om
Malik | June Parina
| David Sifry
| Jonas
M Luster | Micah Alpern
| eleanor
kruszewski | Jim Grisanzio
| Tantek Celik
| Rebecca
Eisenberg | Curtis Smolar
| Russell
11:19:20 AM