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"Conversation. What is it? A Mystery! It's the art of never seeming bored, of touching everything with interest, of pleasing with trifles, of being fascinating with nothing at all. How do we define this lively darting about with words, of hitting them back and forth, this sort of brief smile of ideas which should be conversation?" Guy de Maupassant

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Microsoft Seeking Bloggers

Journalismjobs.com has a post from MSFT recruiting telecommuting bloggers to 'moderate, write and produce blogs in five topic areas: television, music, technology, sports and fashion/food/style." Time estimate is 15 hours a week, and the email goes to filtered@microsoft.com

Susan sez: This is a cheap and clever way for MSFT to fill out their content and build interactive community...Interested to see how it evolves and what placement these blogs get overall
.[Susan Mernit's Blog]

Hmmm interesting to follow up for sure.  Thoughts as I read this :

Am just back from TechEd 2005 in Mumbai, where I was on a panel discussion with a group of Women in Technology - and just 2-3 of the total 50-60 ladies in the room had heard of blogs!  Now MSN buying bloggers? In the old days people bought TV anchors - now bloggers?

Competition to the Engadgets and Gizmodos and MetaFilters of the blogworld? 

Wonder what Robert Scoble has to say about this? 

These are also some of the key areas of interest to one of the large youth marketers in India, who I have been pressing into blogging without much success.  Will it make them see with new eyes?  What d'you feel? I'm sending them the link in any case :)

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