Saturday, May 17, 2008 |
Unless you're an excellent writer yourself, one of the most profitable things you can do for your business is to hire a writer.
I see the most beautifully designed blogs and websites all around the web, but most of them have very little unique content and are thus invisible to most users and searchers online. What a waste!
A professional freelance writer can be worth their weight in gold to your business -- they can write blog entries, website content, autoresponder series, sales letters, ebooks, etc. and let you focus on product development and sales / marketing which is where most of your time should be spent on a successful business.
Hire a writer today!
6:25:52 PM
Monday, April 28, 2008 |
Click here to check out everything listed below:
9:27:17 AM
Friday, April 11, 2008 |
Speed PPC is having a version 3 launch sale right now that will give you $100 off until April 14.
If you're doing PPC for a living, or have been thinking about it, you need this tool to make the most ROI possible. What was a powerful program has been enhanced in several ways that make it a must-have application. Click here to get all the details and take advantage of the discount price.
8:00:22 PM
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 |
I just read a great free report written by Armand Morin -- 51 pages of great content that is very eye-opening.
I had a lot of plans for 2008, but after reading this report I'm crossing a lot of things off of my list and focusing on a very few items suggested by Armand. For example, on page 6 of the report you get a 16 step process that should enable anyone to make $300 to $1,000 a month online -- these 16 steps are pure gold, and are required reading for anyone serious about starting or building an Internet business.
Click here to download your free report today.
9:43:44 PM
Monday, January 07, 2008 |
John Leger has created a powerful free report for you to download that shows you a few of the search engine myths that are being spread by forums and people that really don't know what they're talking about.
I've found that most of the search engine "facts" you see online are in fact bogus and worthless.
Get this report from John to take a peek at the real information!
11:16:09 AM
Saturday, January 05, 2008 |
The Retired Millionaire is offering an excellent business plan to help you make money online with your own internet business. Not only is this a business plan, but you also get over 200 ready-made products that you can sell as your own and keep 100% of the profits. Read that again -- the products are already created FOR YOU, all you have to do is sell them and collect the cash.
You can sell these products with or without a website of your own. If you don't have a website up and running, don't worry -- you can still make money with these products and the retired millionaire shows you how.
Click here to take a look at this awesome package today.
1:16:59 PM
Thursday, January 03, 2008 |
7:31:53 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007 |
The best list you could possibly have is a list of paying customers -- they've proven that they have money, are willing to pay for your product or service, and have enough trust in you to make at least one purchase from you.
The best way to build up a large list of certified paying customers is to offer a low-cost product or service. Some type of special report or information product is ideal since you have zero reproduction cost and can automate the buying and delivery process with a download script and an autoresponder.
You need to start building lists like this in every possible market you can think of and continually market quality products and services to those lists. Treat them like the gold they are.
Get started today by picking up a copy of this script -- it's only $7 and will get you started down the "paying customer list" path right away.
7:43:43 PM
If you're sick and tired of losing money with Google AdWords while watching others make a fortune -- you need to take a look at the "AdWords System Exposed" program by Mind Valley Labs. These guys are fanatical researchers and testers -- I call them online scientists -- and they document their findings from hundreds of experiments to share with you.
I've received more tips and information about AdWords from these guys than everyone else combined, and their research and information are excellent. Get some help with your AdWords campaigns today...
9:49:50 AM
Sunday, December 09, 2007 |
Looking for gift ideas for the internet business owner in your family?
Look no further than the Alienware website and their selection of laptops, desktops, and media servers.
Alienware makes some of the most powerful and coolest looking computer equipment on the planet, and anyone that gets one of these beauties as a gift is going to love it -- guaranteed. If you're not sure exactly which model to get, just order a gift card -- quick and easy.
Happy Holidays!
12:44:51 PM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 |
The Rhodes Brothers run an interesting and valuable membership site named the Simple Cash Blog. The interesting thing about the site is the structure -- its a blog that is locked down for members-only access. This is an innovative, and easy way to build yourself a membership site -- take notes.
The valuable portion of the Simple Cash Blog is the content. The Rhodes Brothers post excellent online business ideas and techniques for their members to use, and the best part of all is that some of the posts are given to you in downloadable format so that you can resell them as reports. The posts are substantial enough to stand on their own as "special reports" and are given to you to sell. What a great idea, and something I haven't seen before in my online travels. You make money by selling these reports and you can earn even more money on the back end when your customers sign up for the Simple Cash Blog with the affiliate links included in the report. Genius.
Go take a look at this excellent resource today.
9:07:50 PM
Sunday, November 18, 2007 |
Do you have your own 800 number for your business, or do you make your customers and prospects actually pay long distance charges to talk to you?
A toll-free 800, 877, 888, or 866 number is one of the best investments you can make for your business, and the cost is MUCH lower than you think. You'll pay only $2 per month for an 866, 877, or 888 number and only $5 per month for an 800 number.
On top of a toll free number, you can also get a local number for all major US cities. For example, if you are located in Seattle, but do a lot of business in Phoenix, you can get yourself a local Phoenix phone number for your business partners or customers to use -- only $5 per month.
For $28 per month you can even get a local number in a foreign city such as Paris, Amsterdam, London, Frankfurt, and Madrid.
Click here to get yourself a professional 800 number today.
8:35:53 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007 |
Get yourself over to Amazon.com on Friday, November 23rd between 6am and 6pm for the best deals of the year.
This is the famous "black friday" sales day on the day after Thanksgiving, and you can find different deals every hour. I personally wait until black friday to load up on all of my business and office supplies each year - literally saving up money for this one day.
If you're smart, you can knock out all of your holiday shopping on this one day -- without ever leaving your house! Here's how you do it -- write down all of the people you need to buy gifts for and next to their name write down an appropriate gift category for them such as electronics, toys, books, etc. Now group the names into households where everyone in that group has the same shipping address - like Uncle Frank, Aunt Jessica, your cousin Sara, and your other cousin James - they all live at 124 Main Street in San Francisco.
Go through the black friday deals and add an item to your cart for each household member listed above. Add amazon gift wrapping service to each item for only $0.99 per item, and then have amazon ship their gifts directly to them by filling out THEIR address as the shipping address for that order.
Do the same thing for each family or person on your list and you can be done with all of your holiday shopping in a few hours -- all while watching football or watching a movie -- instead of fighting the crowds of idiots in the malls and standing in line all day.
Click here on Friday, November 23 for the black friday specials.
9:56:53 AM
Amazon.com is very smart in the way they handle their holiday shopping deals -- they ask their customers which items they would like to see on sale, and then they give them the opportunity to buy those items -- very simple, and very effective.
Take a look at their "Customers Vote" promotion. They have 6 rounds of three discount items each. Customers vote on which of the three items in each round they would like to buy at a huge discount - no coupon code needed - and then they get to buy that item. The items in this promotion are awesome products like Nintendo Wii, Tivo HD Recorders, and LCD TVs -- not just lame "throw away" items like you see in other online shopping stores.
Click here to take a look at the customers vote promotion and check out the great deals.
9:42:16 AM
Monday, November 12, 2007 |
If you are currently a successful business owner and would like to multiply your profits exponentially, you've got to take a look at this...
I'm not sure exactly how to describe it, but it is a marketing system that includes expert advice on attracting customers and converting them to paying customers at will. The live event cost ten thousand dollars to attend, but you now have the opportunity to get the same training at a much lower price.
This is an excellent system that will take your profits to the next level.
9:19:51 PM
Friday, October 26, 2007 |
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