Wednesday, 16 June 2004

My glasses broke....

Click for details!I broke my glasses last week.

A major inconvenience.

I have those funky rimless specs, which are meant to be unbreakable. I proved that wrong!

So, I used some strategically placed sticky tape to connect the arm back to the specs, so that I could wear them on my drive home. They were a bit crooked and blurry, but they were functional.

Somehow I managed to get home and went searching for one of my other older glasses. I found a pair that I reckon is 10-15 years old. They have a 80s vide to them. My kids reckon I look like Harry Potter.

The other problem is the prescription on the lenses is out of date, which makes me see things in a different perspective. Time to update the prescription, me thinks.

To top it all off, the folks have no idea how long before I get them repaired (great customer service). Definite incentive to update prescription of geeky old glasses.

[listening to: Forgotten Years - Midnight Oil ]
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