Monday, 29 November 2004

Arrested Developed *finally* on TV in Australia

I read today that Arrested Development will *finally* make it to television here in Australia.

I got series 1 of Arrested Development on DVD while I was off work, and have seen all the episodes. Do yourself a favour and watch this program. It is the best program you will have seen all year!!

Channel 7 will be showing it on Tuesdays at 10.35pm, which is an insult to this program. This is just typical of this network - they did the same thing to [scrubs] and Will & Grace. And let's not mention how they killed Tony Squires' career. I hate this network as much as I hate Channel 9, who destroyed Six Feet Under & The West Wing just to name a few. Thank goodness for DVD!

I'm glad I got that off my chest.

[listening to: Oye Negra - Terry Snyder ]
8:21:53 PM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • TV
Orkut Stats - November Update

Phew, I haven't checked my Orkut stats for ages. Looks like I last reviewed it in September.

My little Orkut network continues to grow

I am now connected to 2,701,481 people through 92 friends, with 15 fans.

Hmm, my connections & fans grew, but I seem to have lost a few friends.

I am *still* waiting for the next Orkut newsletter.

[listening to: Dancing Queen - Kylie Minogue ]
10:24:39 AM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • My FriendsRandom