Saturday, 18 March 2006

American Inventor : Some Good and Some Bad

I am a big fan of inventor shows.  We are addicited to The New Inventors on the ABC and we also loved a UK show on Discovery Channel called "What's the Big Idea?", which featured British Inventors and super model presentors

So, when I heard about a new reality TV show which featured inventors and their inventions that was being made in the US which became known as American Inventor, I thought to myself that I could be interesting.

I followed stories online of people attending audiitons - American Inventor - Reality TV meets Makers, "American Inventor" audition account by a Boing Boing reader, American Inventor: An auditioner's account, American Inventors - A blog by an inventor for inventors!, and the excitement was building.  I even spotted a teaser TV ad online

Well, the show premiered in the US this week, and by all accounts it sounds great. There's even a Live blog, full recap on Make, with pictures. Over at TV Squad, they even propose "the American Inventor drinking game! Everytime someone says the word "dream," take a shot of booze."

I had to watch if for myself, and you know, it was good. I was hooked. First time I've enjoyed a Reality TV program.

I wonder which local network will pick it up? Since it's on ABC, I guess The Nine Network will grab it

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