Sunday, 18 June 2006

Over The Hedge

Over the hedge

I took Bricey to an advance screening of Over The Hedge. Emma didn't want to come. She wants to see it when it's officially released for some reason.

Cute movie. Kinda like a Looney Toon. Talking animals, my favorite genre ;)

The soundtrack was by Ben Folds, which was a nice touch - featuring "Rocking The Suburbs" in the end credits, with different lyrics!

I find it really curious that all these computer rendered movies make the animals, creatures, objects all look so good, and yet they can't get the people to look anything but cartoony.

Over the Hedge
Moviehole, Australia 
... In Dreamworks’ case, “Over the Hedge” is going to make money, regardless of how many man-hours were put in, so they just decided to not to put their ...

Sydney Morning Herald
Over the Hedge
Sydney Morning Herald, Australia 
... depelted". In Over the Hedge, the new animated feature from Dreamworks, the hedge appears with the alarming suddenness of a Berlin Wall. ...
'Over The Hedge' over the top Jamaica Gleaner
all 2 related »


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