Saturday, 8 November 2003


ok, following this post, i shld have a song title and artist listed

[listening to: You Spin Me 'Round (Like a Record) - Dead or Alive ]
6:19:46 PM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • My Interests
Testing the music plugin - again

Ok, I'm back with this music thing. I'm trying this tool again

[listening to: title of the song - Weird Al Yankovic ]
5:08:25 PM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • My Interests
More about Matrix
[Wired News] tells it like it is: Matrix Imploded: Trouble in Zion. As a special-effects romp, The Matrix Revolutions may keep viewers glued to their seats for a couple of hours. But as a follow-up to the allegorical tour de force of the first Matrix film, it's a dismal failure. By Niall McKay.

10:10:13 AM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • My Interests

The Matrix Revolutions

movieI went to see the final part of the trilogy last night with my two big boys - Antony & Billy.

I think that the folks from Slate gets it pretty right

Everything which has
a beginning has an end,
sadly, thankfully.

10:01:53 AM    comment []  trackback []  G!   • FamilyMy Interests