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Sunday, May 25, 2003

Quest for Massage, Part 4.1

As I noted, the 'tidy' function in the mx extentions requires a true file object as its input. What I want to give it is the results of urlopen.  My initial solution was to use a temporary file.  It worked, but I didn't like the explicit steps I had to go through.

When you have an X, and you need a Y, you are looking at a use for the Adapter Pattern.  So I started working on a adaptor that could take a file-like object, and give me a true file object.  Here's my initial look at it:

import types
import os
class FileAdapter:
    """A FileAdapter instance takes a 'file-like' object having at least a 'read' method
    and, via the file method, returns a true file object."""
    def __init__(self, fileObj):
        self.fileObj = fileObj
        self.chunksize = 1024 * 10
        if type(self.fileObj) != types.FileType:
            if not hasattr(fileObj, "read"):
                raise ValueError, "not a file-like object"
            self.tmpFileObj = os.tmpfile()
            while True:
                data =
                if len(data) == 0:
            del data                
  , 0)
            self.fileObj = self.tmpFileObj                
    def file(self):
        return self.fileObj

Note that I'm still using a temporary file, but now my interface to it is much cleaner.  I can use it like this:

realFileObj = FileAdapter(urlopen("")).file()

This takes the file-like object returned by urlopen, reads in all of its data to a temporary file, and returns that file as the real file object.

This gives me what I need to make a url file-like object play nice with tidy.  But you know, maybe I can do better.  It's pretty obvious that tidy works like a filter.  I'd like to treat it like one, from within my program.  That bears thought.

9:06:50 PM  comment []    

Quest for Massage, Part 4

I left off talking about how ElementTree has provisions for running messy HTML through the standard 'Tidy' command to get well-formed HTML.  After some investigation, I still haven't gotten it to work.  So...

M.-A. Lemburg's mx extensions for Python includes a whole bunch of handy stuff - like a version of the Tidy program turned into a Python extention module.  To get it, download the 'experimental' package.

Here's how I'm using it:

from mx.Tidy import Tidy
nerrors, nwarnings, outputdata, errordata =
    Tidy.tidy(input, output=None, errors=None, output_xhtml=1)

Tidy takes a bunch of keyword options (see the docs).  Here, I'm telling it to output XHTML. 'input' can be either an open file object, or a string.  If output is specified, it must be an open file object, which the output will be written to.  If not specified, output will be written as a string to the return value tuple element 'outputdata'.  The same kind of thing happens for error output - if the 'errors' parameter is set to an open file object, error output is written to it.  Otherwise, error output is written as a string to the return value tuple element 'errordata'.

Sadly, experimenting with it had proven that Tidy will only work with actual file objects, not 'file-like' objects.  This means, for example, that I can't give tidy an object returned by urlopen.  I must read in the web page, write it out to a temporary file, pass this temporary file to tidy and collect its output in a temporary file, then pass this temporary file to ElementTree.

Putting all of this together, I get an actual, working HTML-to-ElementTree parser.  Here's the working code:

Kinda crude, and I know I can improve on this.


12:59:26 PM  comment []    

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