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Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Working With Fixed Record Length CSV Files

Yesterday I wrote about working with fixed record length files, and presented a class for making it easy.  Today I'll extend that idea to handle records containing csv data.

The new CSVRecordFile class inherits from the RecordFile class, overriding the read and write methods to add csv parsing and formatting.  This allows you to read and write fixed length csv data records in random order.  The StringCSVAdaptor class (presented earlier) is used to enable us to use Python2.3's csv module with strings.  This is necessary since the csv modules reader and writer functions expect to work with interables, such as a file-like object or a sequence.

Matt Goodall took me up on the need for the StringCSVAdaptor class, rightly pointing out a simpler way of handling the problem (thanks, Matt!  I think you are reader #4 of this weblog, and the first person to leave me a comment!)  Sadly, Matt's suggestion does not fit with the problem domain I'm using CSVRecordFile for.  For one thing, I need both a csv reader and writer.  I only want to create these objects once per CSVRecordFile instance, and then use them to parse/format many records in random (not sequential) order.  Matt's solution, while useful for simple one-shot csv needs, looks to me to require the creation of the reader and writer for each record that is to be parsed (because he wraps the string to be parsed in a list to make it an iterable).  You can read Matt's comments from yesterday's post.

Put this code in a file called

"""This file contains the CSVRecordFile class, for working with fixed length
record files, where the records contain csv data."""
__author__ = "Mike Kent"
__version__ = "$Id$".split()[-2:][0]
import recfile
import csv
import csvadaptor
class CSVRecordFileFmtError(Exception): pass
class CSVRecordFile(recfile.RecordFile):
    """This class provides a standard way to handle files which are layed out
    as fixed-length records containing csv data, where each record is padded
    to its proper length with a padding character, and may be optionally
    terminated with a record terminator string."""
    def __init__(self, filename, mode, reclen, recpad='', recterm=None,
        recfile.RecordFile.__init__(self, filename, mode, reclen, recpad,
        self.csvAdaptor = csvadaptor.StringCSVAdaptor()
        self.csvReader = csv.reader(self.csvAdaptor, **csvKwParams)
        self.csvWriter = csv.writer(self.csvAdaptor, **csvKwParams)
    def read(self, recNum):
        """Read a record containing csv data by record number, and return a
        list of strings.
        Record numbers start a 1.  An empty list will returned on end of
        file.""" =, recNum)
            rec =
        except csv.Error:
            raise CSVRecordFileFmtError
        return rec
    def write(self, recNum, valueList):
        """Write a list of mixed-type values to a record, in csv format,
        by record number.
        Record numbers start with 1.  The record will be
        padded to the correct length using the padding character, and
        optionally terminated by the record terminator string.
        You can seek to, and write, records beyond EOF.  However, to
        append a new record to the current actual EOF, give a record number
        of 0.  This function returns the actual record number written to."""
        except csv.Error:
            raise CSVRecordFileFmtError
        return recfile.RecordFile.write(self, recNum,

Here are the unit tests.  Put this code in a file called

#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
import unittest
import csv
import csvrecfile
class TestCases_01_RecordFile(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_01_instantiate(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "w+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
class TestCases_02_RecordFileWriteAdd(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_01_writeAddOne(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "w+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        rec = [ 1, 2, "three" ]
        recFileObj.write(0, rec)
        testFileObj = file("test.txt", "rb")
        expected = '1,2,"three"       r\n'
        newRec =
        self.assertEqual(newRec, expected)
    def test_02_writeAddSeveral(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "w+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        for count in range(5):        
            rec = [ 1, 2, "Record %d" % (count + 1) ]
            recFileObj.write(0, rec)
        testFileObj = file("test.txt", "rb")
        for count in range(5):
            expected = '1,2,"Record %d"    r\n' % (count + 1)
            newRec =
            self.assertEqual(newRec, expected)
class TestCases_03_RecordFileWriteRandom(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "w+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        for count in range(5):        
            rec = [ 1, 2, "Record %d" % (count + 1) ]
            recFileObj.write(count + 1, rec)
    def test_01_writeRandomOne(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "r+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        recNum = 2
        rec = [ 3, 4, "New record %d" % recNum ]
        recFileObj.write(recNum, rec)
        testFileObj = file("test.txt", "rb")
        expected = '3,4,"New record %d"r\n' % recNum
        newRec =
        self.assertEqual(newRec, expected)
    def test_02_writeRandomSeveral(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "r+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        recNumList = [ 1, 5, 3, 2, 4 ]
        for recNum in recNumList:
            rec = [ 1, 2, "New record %d" % recNum ]
            recFileObj.write(recNum, rec)
        testFileObj = file("test.txt", "rb")
        for count in range(5):        
            expected = '1,2,"New record %d"r\n' % recNumList[count]
  [count] - 1) * 20)
            newRec =
            self.assertEqual(newRec, expected)
class TestCases_04_RecordFileReadRandom(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "w+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        self.assert_(recFileObj is not None)
        for count in range(5):        
            rec = [ 1, 2, "Record %d" % (count + 1) ]
            recFileObj.write(count + 1, rec)
    def test_01_readRandomOne(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "r+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        rec =
        expected = [ "1", "2", "Record 3" ]
        self.assertEqual(rec, expected)
    def test_02_readRandomSeveral(self):
        recFileObj = csvrecfile.CSVRecordFile("test.txt", "r+b", 20, ' ',
            'r\n', lineterminator='', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
        recNumList = [ 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 2, 4 ]
        for recNum in recNumList:       
            rec =
            expected = [ "1", "2", "Record %d" % recNum ]
            self.assertEqual(rec, expected)

if __name__ == "__main__":

1:04:57 PM  comment []    

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