Dan Small Outdoors
... all the news about Outdoors in Wisconsin and Beyond

Dan Small Outdoors

Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Alliant Energy Center was really hopping this afternoon on Day One of the Madison Fishing Expo. Many old friends and a few new ones stopped by our booth to say hello, taste some fried panfish and check out the Fillet King, Board Stor, Sling-It, Big Guy Hats and other products. Quite a few bought raffle tickets for the Crestliner Canadian with a Mercury 4-stroke we will be giving away three weeks from now.

One visitor was Chris Hauser, who dropped off a flier for the Wisconsin Fishing Club's 4th annual rummage sale, to be held next Saturday, March 4, at Calhoun Station (That's a tavern.), 1849 So. Calhoun Rd., New Berlin, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Members will offer fishing and sporting equipment for sale, and Hauser will do free fishing lure and tackle appraisals.

For more information, call Hauser at 262-860-1004, or check out the club's Web site.

Other upcoming club events include:

Feb. 27, 7 p.m., Club Meeting with a guest speaker from the Rock River Restoration program.

March 13, 7 p.m., Club meeting with guest speaker, fishing guide Larry Smith, on "Walleyes and Panfishing the Wisconsin River and Winnebago Chain."

March 27, 7 p.m. Club Meeting with guest speaker Chuck Demlow, on "Winnebago Chain River Walleye Fishing."

Come on down to the Expo this weekend and say hello!


12:04:44 AM    comment []

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Here's another message from veteran conservation writer Michael Frome, on the road in Arkansas this winter. He calls his occasional emails "Port-O-Grams" because he now lives in Port Washington, Wisconsin.


June and I are reporting from a warm and sunny perch (daytime temperature in the 60s) while spending a week at a piece of paradise in Arkansas called Petit Jean State Park. We are at the Mather Lodge, named for Stephen T. Mather, the first director of the National Park Service, who in the mid 1920s counseled and collaborated with the local people and Arkansas public officials to preserve this mountain-top area for inspiration, meditation and physical exercise. That is the purpose parks are meant to serve, and what government, at all levels, is meant to provide.

Believe it or not, but I came to this place fifty years ago, so this is a bit of a pilgrimage for me. Now I can say that the lodge, the cabins, the campsites, and the trails all seem still worthy of the setting and the vistas -- unlike many other state parks and national parks too that have been overdeveloped and commercialized to a fault. Stephen T. Mather would be pleased with the good work here.

June and I left our happy home at Port Washington, Wisconsin, on January 18, not yet two weeks ago. Friends may recall that last year we spent a portion of winter in Mexico and the year before in Guatemala. This time we elected to drive and to visit a portion of our own country, more temperate, perhaps, but still warmer than winter in Wisconsin.

Moreover, by driving we have had the opportunity to see what's going on in a large portion of America, to look at and feel what's right and wrong about it. We've observed planless growth and urban sprawl virtually everywhere, with the same freeways, fast food chains, chain motels and shopping malls. Turning on the six o'clock or ten o'clock news on television, we've seen that it's the same too, with stories of drug busts, death on the freeways and young poor people venting their frustration by killing others senselessly with knives and guns.

But there is another side to it. We stopped first at Springfield, Illinois, and at June's insistence spent three nights there. It was barely enough, considering this is the heart of Lincoln Land, the place to learn anew the story of the rail-splitter, the martyred president, who taught himself to read and yet composed the Gettysburg Address and Second Inaugural Address that rank among the most eloquent and literary expressions in history, who struggled with his own demons while he heroically preserved the Union and freed the slaves. We spent one full day at the new Lincoln Library and Museum, which I think all the school children in America, together with their teachers and parents, ought to visit, and other days at other sites, such as the Lincoln Tomb and the home where Honest Abe the lawyer lived with his wife and children. Lincoln in a way exemplifies that which is right about America, in sharp contrast with our present president, George W. Bush, shallow and shabby by comparison, who exemplifies what is wrong about it.

In Little Rock, we visited another new presidential library and museum, this one focused on the life and times of Bill Clinton, who rose from humble Arkansas beginnings to prominence, respected by leaders in world affairs such as Nelson Mandela. I'm sure that Clinton disappointed himself in various ways, and yet he stood up for social justice, full rights for black Americans. Here I learned about Clinton the saxophonist and the advocate of music in our schooling and our lives. This led me to remember my own classes in music appreciation and how much they meant to me. Music is a language in itself, a language of peace, and yet in America today courses in music and art and culture in general are being reduced and eliminated.

One afternoon we visited another special place, the Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site, which in 1957 became a crucial battleground in the struggle for civil rights. Young people today may not know, and older people may long have forgotten, but fifty years ago the nation watched transfixed as nine black students attempted to enter the previously all-white school. While a hostile crowd jeered the "Little Rock Nine," Arkansas National Guard troops blocked their entrance -- for three weeks until President Eisenhower dispatched federal troops to escort and protect the black students entering the school.

I doubt this episode is cited much in high school history classes today. Yet it should be marked and memorialized, as a living reminder of how history was made and Little Rock came to symbolize the federal government's commitment to eliminate separate systems of education for blacks and whites. Those separate -- and manifestly unequal -- systems still exist, as Jonathan Kozol has shown in "Amazing Grace" and his other books, notwithstanding all the laws against them. Yet as a longtime national parks advocate and supporter, I cheer and applaud the good and lasting work the National Park Service has done at Central High School.

It was not exactly by accident that we came to the site. We were helped immeasurably on our trip by an old friend, Don Castleberry, an Arkansas native, who retired ten years ago following a long career in the national parks. While we were together in Little Rock he showed me an interview with him as lately published in the local Arkansas Times. It was mostly about Don's serving on the board of directors of the Coalition of Concerned National Park Service Retirees, which came into being in response to machinations of the Bush administration to commercialize and privatize the national parks.

Specifically, Castleberry said, changes have been made to benefit the "recreation industry" -- manufacturers, renters and sellers of motorized toys like snowmobiles, ATVs, RVs and jet skis -- who have sought access to the parks. That to my mind is only part of it. The crowd in control these days sees government solely as a means of serving special economic interests. Abraham Lincoln and Stephen T. Mather, where are you when we need you most?

Luckily, June and I have each other, on the road as at home. We lecture, listen, debate and cheer, especially when one insists the best is yet to come. No, for us it is here and now. We expect to be back in Port Washington in early in March. Meanwhile, reach us by email, if you like.

All best,




PEACE NOW... "Hurt not the earth, neither the sea nor the trees." -- Revelation 2:10

11:19:29 AM    comment []

Sunday, February 12, 2006

A picture named IMG_4157_low_res copy.jpg

My good friend, Dave Richey, of rural Traverse City, Michigan, was inducted into the National Freshwater Fishing Hall of Fame last week as a Legendary Communicator on January 30. An outdoor writer for the past 40 years, Dave published his first story in 1967 in Sports Afield magazine. Since then, he has published 7,200 articles in more than 300 different magazines. I know of no one more prolific in this business!

"It is an overwhelming honor to be chosen as a Legendary Communicator by the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame[base ']s 2006 Awards Committee members," Richey said. "This is an award that I never dreamed possible, and such awards from national organizations are something to be cherished."

Recently retired from The Detroit News, where he was Outdoor Editor for 23 years and wrote more than 14,000 articles, Dave has turned to Internet publishing. On his Web site, www.daverichey.com, he has posted more than 1,500 articles in the past 2 1/2 years. Dave has one of the largest collections of hunting and fishing books in the world. He actively buys and sells these books on his Web site.

Dave has also authored 22 fishing and hunting books. He is past editor of Outdoor Life's Guide to Fishing the Midwest and Guide to Hunting the Midwest, Michigan Sportsman and Michigan Big Game Hunters Association Magazine. For the past 30 years, he has spoken on hunting and fishing topics at venues throughout the country. His photos have graced the covers and pages of countless outdoor magazines.

A longtime conservation writer who digs into hard stories that deal with conservation and protection of natural resources, Dave has received numerous honors for his writing over the years, including the J. Hammond Brown Memorial Award (1994) and Excellence in Craft Award (2003) from the Outdoor Writers Association of America; the Ben East Award for Excellence in Conservation Journalism (1983) from the Michigan United Conservation Clubs; the Poppa Bear Award from the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association and many other writing and photography awards.

Along with Dave, Erwin A. "Joe" Bauer, Corey Ford, Bill Scifres and O.W. Smith were inducted into the Hall of Fame as Legendary Communicators.

"All of my heroes are members of the National Fresh Water Fishing Hall of Fame," Richey said. "I find it amazing that only in America, through sheer effort and persistence, can someone like me attain such an honor. It certainly didn't come easily, and I owe a great deal of gratitude to several people who helped along the way. They know, or knew, who they were and did not care to claim any credit for helping me along. To each of them, and to my wife Kay, a hearty Thank You!"

A complete list of this year's honorees can be found on the Hall's Web site. Others were inducted as Legendary Anglers or Legendary Guides. If anyone in the outdoor field is a "Triple Threat," it is certainly Dave Richey. In my estimation, he could easily have been honored in one of those catergories as well. He pioneered fly fishing for salmon and steelhead on Great Lakes tributaries, developed several effective fly patterns and guided full-time on Michigan streams from 1967-76. Dave is truly a legend in his own time, and this honor was richly (and Richey-ly) deserved!


12:01:36 PM    comment []

I sure blew it last week Friday when I posted a notice about THURSDAY'S broadcast of a show on hunting on NPR. Guess I should have read the release more carefully!

Anyway, you can still access that broadcast online at this link.


11:17:41 AM    comment []

Wisconsin's winter sturgeon spearing season is off and crawling, as spearers had a slow opening day yesterday, registering only 39 sturgeon. Some ventured out to find cloudy water, due to an algae bloom triggered by thin ice and sunlight over the past few weeks. Others sat on barstools in taverns around the lake, telling tales of spearing seasons past and waiting for reports of fish activity before deciding where or if to try their luck.

My candidate for best fishing photo of the year is the shot on Page C-18 of today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, taken by Milwaukee Journal Sentinel photog Mark Hoffman. (I checked the paper's Web site, but unfortunately the photo is not on it.) It features a hopeful John McArdle, sleeves rolled up, sitting on an office chair in his ice shanty, staring down through a refrigerator-size hole into the empty green water of Lake Winnebago, his cell phone on his hip, ready to report the news of a fish. Meanwhile, his 9-year-old son, Casey, is yawning and playing one of those hand-held video games as popular with today's kids as yo-yos were in my day. It captures the essence of sturgeon spearing better than most photos I've seen!

In other Winnebago news, Joel Taylor, inventor of the Fish Elevator, called me this morning at 9:30 from the ice to report that he's been doing well on walleyes. He had four already when he called and another on the line, so he had to ring off. Taylor reports 11 inches of ice (by his tape measure) where he is fishing south of Oshkosh, but only 6 or so closer to shore. That's enough ice if you know what you're doing, but most anglers and spearers are wise to exercise caution in this winter of uncertain and variable ice conditions.

I'm off to hunt rabbits this afternoon with friend, Clyde Winter. We bagged three last time out together. I'm hopeful we'll see some bunnies, thanks to a fresh skiff of snow overnight. The East Coast may have got hammered, but we have just enough around here to make it look like winter again.


11:15:08 AM    comment []

Friday, February 3, 2006

Hey, gang. This is really short notice, but if you're near a radio this afternoon, listen to Talk of the Nation on National Public Radio. George Meyer, exec. director of the Wisconsin WIldlife Federation, and Christine Thomas, founder of the Becoming an Outdoors Woman program and now a dean at UW- Stevens Point, will be featured.

Here's a brief release from George that was passed on to me yesterday by alert correspondent Larry Van Veghel. I assume the show will be archived at npr.org, in case you miss it.

I'm going to try to tune in on my way home from ice fishing...


"The National Public Radio show "Talk of the Nation: is hosting a show at the
University of Wisconsin Marathon Campus in Wausau tomorrow, Thursday at 2 pm
to 3 pm It is a national call-in show on Hunting.

On the show will be myself and Chris Thomas, Dean of the College on Natural
Resources, UW-Stevens Point, an environmental
philosopher from UW-Stevens Point and an ethicist from Penn State

Thank you, George"

7:36:15 AM    comment []

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Last update: 2/25/06; 12:13:12 AM.