![]() To understand bagpipers and their bands, it should be fairly clear that one needs to understand how a bagpipe works. Basically, a set of bagpipes is really an air reservoir (the bag), a pipe to blow into to fill the reservoir (the blowpipe) and a tube with a reed in it (the chanter) connected to the air reservoir. The drill is (1) blow into the bag, (2) put sufficient pressure on the bag to (3) set the reed vibrating in the chanter. This is probably how the pipes originated. Tubes with reeds in them are very old; add a bag and the player doesn't have to take as many breaths and, therefore, should be able to play longer. The sound of the pipes comes primarily from the reed (more on reeds later); they are the focus of most of the obsessive opinions and actions in piping. Finally, the modern bagpipe has three drones (medieval bagpipes had one drone) the tuning of which is balanced to the chanter. Drones do what you expect: drone. |