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  Tuesday, November 04, 2003




I was reading the Wisconsin State Journal recently, and my attention was drawn to a bit in the opinion section, calling for increased state regulation of pet breeders. Now, I'm a libertarian at heart, and I believe in regulation by reputation, rather than by legislation, so I disagreed with the premise of the piece. However, there was one sentence that caught my eye:


"They found more than 100 dogs living in their own feces, in cages intended for animals the size of a rabbit, unable to walk because their feet were deformed by the wire floors of their pens."


"Glenn! You bastard!" I thought to myself, and dialed his number.




Evil Glenn: I will crush you all like BUGS! I rule the blogosphere from my dank imperial cavern and none shall escape my foul clutches! You are doomed! DOOMED! I am your Lord and Master! Bow down before me! BWAHAHAHA!... then leave a message at the beep.



Harv: Damn you, Reynolds! I know what you've been doing! Blending isn't enough for you, is it? Now it's on to crippling & torture, isn't it? You cruel, heartless, subhuman degenerate!


Evil Glenn: That's lawyer to you, currency-freak. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone, but that damn hobo wouldn't stop squirming. What's your major malfunction this time?


Harv: I read all about your nefarious activities in the Wisconsin State Journal. You've got a lot to answer for, you brutal, savage...


Evil: Yo! Ease up, money-molester. I haven't set foot in your sorry state since the tiddlywink tournament. Heh. Naked Helen Thomas. Indeed!


Harv: EWWWW! Don't remind me. But that's beside the point. It says right here in the paper that everyone who attended the hearing on the proposed pet-dealer licensing law was in favor of it... with ONE exception. Gee... I wonder who that could be?


Evil Glenn: Wasn't me, crappy-cash-collector. Get yourself another scapegoat.


Harv: Cut the bullshit! Who else would be against saving puppies?


Evil Glenn: Well, you just got done saying YOU were against it. Geez! Don't you even read your own blog?


Harv: Not very often. It's kinda dull & repetitive - "graffiti currency" this, and "love note" that - Blah! Blah! Blah! What a bunch of crap! Who the hell would read that drivel? The only traffic I get is from people looking for XXX black peeing porn, and... DAMMIT! Would you please quit trying to change the subject?


Evil Glenn: Heh. Sorry. Couldn't resist.


Harv: Now answer my question! Why are you torturing little doggies?


Evil Glenn: Look, dollar-defacer, you've got the wrong guy. I may be a puppy-blending, hobo-murdering, Satan-worshiping, robot-dancing, communist-sympathizing, Frank J.-punching, white-supremacist, penguin-porn addict who makes inter-species sex films, but that doesn't make me a monster.


Harv: Lawyer


Evil Glenn: Touché. However, the fact is that when I blend puppies, I use the "liquefy" setting so that it's over with quickly. I just want a fast energy drink, I don't want the little sweet-meats to actually SUFFER... except maybe the Yorkies... nasty, ankle-biting, yipping little annoyances. They're like tiny, fuzzy Frenchmen.


Harv: Can't argue with you there.


Evil Glenn: Besides, there's hardly any money in the puppy-mill industry. Way too small-time for an important guy like me to piddle around with. I seek world domination, and I'm working on a scheme right now to bring the global economy to its knees. So until the profit margins on animal abuse increase significantly, I've got bigger fish to fry.


Harv: EWWWW! And I thought penguin porn was gross. You're sicker than Troy McClure!


Evil Glenn: Idiot! I said "fry", not f***!


Harv: Oh. Sorry. Anyway, what's this evil scheme of yours?


Evil Glenn: You'll find out. MUAHAHAHA!




And find out I did. When we got our last shipment of currency from the Federal Reserve, I saw this horrifying sight:


[too evil for words]


Evil Glenn my not be crippling helpless canines for profit, but he's still a threat to the American way of life and he must be stopped!




(hat tip to American Digest for the picture and Blogless Brother Tom for the news story)


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