Boing Boing Blog
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Soccer balls made from plastic bags. 
Nice photo-illustrated account of how kids in Burundi use off-cuts of fabric and old plastic bags to improvise soccer balls.
(Thanks, Bob!)
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Whitehouse site blocks indexing of files about Iraq. Whitehouse.gov has a robots.txt file that keeps directories containing the word "iraq" from being indexed by search-engines.
Sometime between April 2003 and late October, 2003, hundreds of instances of the term "iraq" were added to the whitehouse.gov robots.txt file.
On a quick look, It appears that the google cached version of the robots.txt file very nearly could be created by searching for the string "text" in the April 16 file and replacing it with the string "iraq" then adding the newly changed files ("text" to "iraq") to the original file, keeping the lines with "text" in them as well. That's from a quick look so I'm not sure it would hold up, but it appears it could explain the bulk of the "iraq" appearances.
(Thanks, Kurt!) |
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SoCal fires: more aerial imagery, online. BoingBoing pal and benevolent wireless hacker Mike Outmesguine sends these links to mindboggling aerial imagery of the fires raging in Southern California. Link one, Link two, Link three, Link four. |
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George Lakoff on why the conservatives seem to be winning. My friend Bonnie Powell interviewed master linguist and cultural commentator George Lakoff at UC Berkeley about how the Democrats desperately need a lesson in language. This is a must-read:
"...Conservatives, especially conservative think tanks, have framed virtually every issue from their perspective. They have put a huge amount of money into creating the language for their worldview and getting it out there. Progressives have done virtually nothing."
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Gamespaces' toilets. 
This Russian site features screenshots of toilets as they appear in dozens of video games, from the paleolithic VGA potties of Leisure Suit Larry to the nurby whimsy of Counter Strike's classy wooden-seat shitter.
(via Kottke)
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Aeron wheelchair. 
Herman Miller has teamed up with a Tennessee company called Permobil to produce a powered Aeron wheelchair.
(via Kottke)
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Fire photoblogging from Jason DeFillippo. 
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Report from Machinima awards 2003. Hugh sez, "The Machinima Film Festival 2003 happened on Saturday in New York City, and quite a lot of what it revealed was surprising. For example, Machinima is going pro much faster than most people anticipated - the films that swept the awards were either already commercial (and in one case bound for Sundance this year) or going that way - Red vs Blue is hopefully heading onto shop shelves soon. And the attendees were mostly older film-makers or film students, many of them already established as creators in other media."
(Thanks, Hugh!) |
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Entire house contents stolen. Eli the Bearded sez, "Today's San Francisco Chronicle has a story about the entire contents of a man's SF apartment being stolen. All the furniture, photos, the food from the fridge. Everything. This was four months ago, and the police have no leads. The quirky thing about this, not mentioned in the article, is that it took place just about the same time an entire house (save the foundation) was stolen in Placerville, CA."
(Thanks, Eli!) |
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Tekpunk author/visionary Kenji Siratori starts blogging. BoingBoing pal Warren Ellis points to disturbed genius Kenji Siratori's brand-spankin'-new blog, and warns would-be readers to "start with small doses." Born in 1975, Siratori is the Japanese author of Blood Electric, and describes himself as a 'hypermodern writer working in a digital environment'.
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Spam ecosystem breeding hardier UCE. Spammers acquire all the tools used by antispammers to filter email, and they tweak their spam accordingly. Antispam algorithms are acting like predators on the spam ecosystem, culling weak, easy-to-detect spam and leaving behind more virulent, hardier strains.
"There will be an enormous drop in HTML spam, and we will have more text-based and chatty spam," said Graham-Cumming. But "the volume of spam will increase as spammers send variants of messages to get them through."
Although no spammer has yet to fool every Bayesian filter, some tricks work better than others. One recent spam employed a trick that misspelled almost every word in the body, but was still coherent enough to get the gist through.
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Audio Marx Brothers remixes.. The FARKers are remixing Marx Brothers audio clips to make their own tunes, dialog, and comedy routines. I'm quite fond of this MP3 (617k).
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Asia Carrera -- adult film star, geek -- evacuates from SoCal fires. Adult film actress and self-professed nerd of porn (NSFW) Asia Carrera is among the many people evacuating homes in the line of fire today:
Homeowners packed their cars and fled several communities as adult film actress Asia Carrera left her Chatsworth townhouse after packing clothes, a computer and two cats into her metallic-blue Corvette. "I've been through it before, but this [fire] is a hell of a lot bigger," Carrera said. "I didn't sleep at all last night. I sat by the window and looked at the sky glowing red."
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My notes from Decentralized Economic Systems and Monetary Evolution. Here are my running notes from the "Decentralized Economic Systems and Monetary Evolution" panel at the Future of Money conference.
Mobile phone companies have become billing systems. Payment
infrastructure is being integrated into software that you d/l to
your computer.
The info is more portable: your credit-record is more accessible,
it can be used to quickly get a credit-line, found a reputation
system, etc. As this is integrated into IT systems, we'll get a
wealth of apps, build on a centralized server.
How do you make the convenience sufficient to drive new market
apps? PayPal was successful by enabling new merchants -- lower
barrier to entry than getting a Mastercard acct. It's a P2P
system in that it allows individuals to accept payments. We have
a lot of IP in the antifraud systems that make that happens. The
centralized system allows for the antifraud systems, which allows
for the very fast creation of merchant accts.
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Xeni on NPR's Day to Day: New Napster launch. On today's edition of the NPR program "Day to Day", I speak with host Alex Chadwick about tomorrow's launch of Napster 2.0. The pre-release app was super-sweet and surprisingly stable, not entirely unlike iTunes, includes some goodies iTunes lacks, performs elegantly in Win environments, loved the massive catalog (found almost every obscure old-school hip-hop and dub track I wanted within seconds) but WMA + Win-DRM = ouch. Like a waiter serving you a hot, frothy, mouthwateringly delicious cappucino you've been craving all day -- then, peeing in it. Link to "Day to Day" home, listen to the archived show here after 12PM Pacific. |
CNET News.com - Front Door
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Microsoft settles some state lawsuits. The software giant reaches settlements in some state class-action lawsuits it has been defending. The company will release details later in the day. |
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Opera enhances browser for Nokia phones. The software maker upgrades the browser it released for Nokia 6600 phones for use in other Nokia mobile phones that use the Symbian operating system. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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Did AOL Charge Users Without Consent? (PC World). PC World - Ohio attorney general says ISP failed to honor cancellation requests. |
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Nokia Sees Operators Boosting 3G Investments (Reuters). Reuters - Nokia said on Tuesday that mobile
telecoms operators had started to increase investments in
high-speed networks after the summer holidays, but it was also
pushing cheaper and slower alternatives. "There's clearly
change in the air. We've seen acceleration of third generation
networks after the summer holidays," Jukka Bergqvist, Nokia's
executive vice president for its Networks business, told
Reuters in an interview on the sidelines of the annual Nokia
Mobile Internet Conference. |
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Star Trek Enterprise Tested to Mach 5 |
InfoWorld: Top News
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Sober virus in the wild but slow-moving. An e-mail-borne virus that apparently originated in Germany is in the wild but has not yet spread widely or affected many users, an anti-virus researcher said Monday. |
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TSMC results hit high as chip sector recovers. TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (TSMC), the world's largest contract chip maker, reported record net sales in its third quarter results on Tuesday as the semiconductor industry showed signs of a recovery. |
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Update: Longhorn gets first showing at PDC. LOS ANGELES -- Proclaiming that the digital decade is just dawning, Microsoft Corp. Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates on Monday gave the first official peek at Longhorn, the next version of Windows expected out in 2006.Longhorn will be "the biggest release of this decade, the biggest since Windows 95," Gates said in his opening keynote at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in Los Angeles. |
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Ohio accuses AOL of charging users without permission. America Online Inc. (AOL) and its CompuServe subsidiary were hit by a complaint from Ohio's attorney general Monday, claiming that they charged customers for Internet access services without their permission. |
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Microsoft eyes Web services design tool - Infoworld Staff. LOS ANGELES -- Microsoft, at its Professional Developers Conference 2003 here, plans to reveal details of a Web services design tool that is intended to be similar, albeit superior, to BEA Systems' WebLogic Workshop platform, a Microsoft official said. |
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AmberPoint, Microsoft partner on Web services - Infoworld Staff. LOS ANGELES -- AmberPoint on Tuesday will unveil an abbreviated version of its Web services management software, AmberPoint Express, that will be distributed with the planned "Whidbey" version of the Microsoft Visual Studio developer tool in 2004.
ADVERTISEMENT: RFID/Smart Label Printing White Paper from Zebra - Learn about how smart labels help prevent asset loss, track shipments, and process customer transactions, and see how the technology could help your business. |
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Banking on Reliable Security |
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Enterprise security still problematic |
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Infocus: Introduction to Nessus. This article describes the installation, configuration and features of the latest version of Nessus, a powerful and free client-server based security scanner. |
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BugTraq: Fastream NetFile FTP/WebServer 6.0 CSS Vulnerability. Sender: Oliver Karow [Oliver dot Karow at gmx dot de] |
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BugTraq: [OpenPKG-SA-2003.046] OpenPKG Security Advisory (apache). Sender: OpenPKG [openpkg at openpkg dot org] |
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BugTraq: [securemac] Local vulnerability: MacOSX Screensaver locking bypass.. Sender: kang [kang at insecure dot ws] |
The Register
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Ohio claims AOL ignores the free in 'free trial'. Cancellations ignored |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Le nouveau Livre Blanc de SurfControl analyse les différentes législations appliquées dans le monde en matière de confidentialité et de libertés individuelles |
Internet/Network Security
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Book Review: Black Ice. The United States was caught offguard when terrorists used civilian commercial aircraft as missiles to attack the World Trade Center and other targets. Much has been done to improve security since then, however many fear that the Department of Homeland... |