2006.01.24 |
LDP Avoids Livedoor Executive (AP). Japanese governing party legislators scramble to distance themselves from Internet startup Livedoor's chief executive, arrested on suspicion of violating securities laws.
Livedoor, struggling to maintain a shred of legitimacy, quickly names a new president to replace the jailed Takafumi Horie.
Koizumi in hot seat after jailing of disgraced IT guru. [Radio Australia]
Reform of Japan's staid business community has suffered a major setback with the arrest and jailing of one of its high-profile new entrepreneurs. Internet tycoon Takafumi Horie denies misleading investors and inflating the shareprice of his company Livedoor. But the old guard of Japan's corporate world is hoping the country's financial regulators will make an example of the brash executive.
Japan successfully fires off an H-II rocket. Or so it seems.
Analysts: Japan Needs Securities Agency (AP). The arrest of Japan's most popular startup star highlights what some see as an astounding weakness: The world's second largest economy has no independent body that regulates its stock market.
Livedoor CEO Takafumi Horie and other company executives are spending the night in jail -- the first of perhaps 20 such nights, maybe more.
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