Fours days between posts! Huston, we had a problem....
I got a new laptop from work. Slighty older than the one I had, no 3D graphics, and old USB ports that won't work with my portable USB hard drive without a seperate power supply, which I have long since lost because I've never needed it (until now). My blog lives on that portable hard-drive. I spent the last few days trying to get my blog back to a 'postable' state again.
I have now dusted off, and am now blogging on, my old 266mhz, Windows 98, PC. Long live Windows 98!
Anyway, theres a couple of things I haven't been able to tell you about so its catch-up time:
- On Wednesday I stopped in at the kite shop after work. Ted, one of the shop owners, said to me with a grin on his face, "I hear you've got a present coming?". I immediately thought of the prize I'm expecting from Felxifoil for my short story sucess. Appartently the UK Flexifoil guys contacted the New Zealand Flexifoil supplier, who then contacted the kite shop in Nelson, who agreed to accept delivery of said prize and get a photo of me being presented the prize in front of the shop. And..... the prize is.... a Flexifoil Super 10! This is a 10 foot wide two-line kite that is very fast and powerfull. The 6 foot version of this design holds the world record as the fastest kite in the world so I should have some good fun on the buggy with it. Look out for a new speed record soon! Heaps more than the hat & t-shirt I was expecting! Still waiting for it to arrive though....
- I was supposed to go to the Awatere High Country Festival today. This is held by an alpine lake about 22 km inland from Dashwood, just north of Sedon. The kite club were to put on a display of kites, buggying, and kite-boating (we have a Peter Lynn prototype, mono-hull kite-boat), but the weather has packed in with lots of rain and no wind. We got the van and trailer all loaded up with kites buggys and boat, and by 8.30am we had driven about 20mins out of town, then the phone rang to say the event was off. Would have been a nice location to photograph too. Oh well... next kite safari is in April (to Westport), so looking forward to that now.
One good thing about using the old slow PC is that my film-scanner is attached to this one. I think I'll continue the never ending task of scanning my huge collection of negatives and maybe I'll find a good one to post later...
9:30:05 AM