Yesterday morning I checked the local weather forecast to see if the weekends winds and tides would be good for kite buggying or kayaking. The tide is low (and beaches wide) at around midday, and the winds for the whole weekend were predicted to be solid 25 knot northerlies. Perfect conditions for kite buggying on Rabbit Island beach! So I pack up all my gear and head out there to arrive right on low tide. Now either the weather person is playing games with me or they had their map upside down. What little wind there was, was coming from the south-west! And it stayed like that all day. I stayed at the beach for a couple of hours hoping that the forecast was just a little late and the wind would swing around to the north. But alas it never happened. I flew my super-10 for a while, took a few photos, but no chance of buggying.
I finally gave up and headed home. When I got there I checked the forecast again. Suddenly the northerlies I saw this morning (predicted for the next two days), had changed to 'Gusty south-westerlies' for Saturday and Sunday. Its not fair! They promised me Northerlies! Whats going on at the meteorological Service? Playing practical jokes on kite buggyiers like that is just not funny! I want my money back. 

10:59:40 AM