Last weeks walk along the Cable Bay Walkway inspired me to get up early this morning (well early for a Saturday anyway), and walk the whole track. I did the return trip from the Cable Bay end, to the lookout I had walked to from the other end (about two hours each way).
I ran two films through my SLR camera and stacked a 128mb memory card on my digital full of huge panoramic views. I also have really, really sore feet! This is some very steep terrain. Goat country even! I am now resting tired legs, shifting through about 200 shots trying decide which ones to publish later. This could take a while so I thought I'd bring you a preview.
This shot is of the esturay behind Delaware Bay, Pepin Island, and Cable Bay at low tide. The morning sun reflects of the wet mud showing up the channels of the retreating water like viens in a leaf. It was the first shot I took this morning.
Tune in later for more...
6:33:30 PM