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  Tuesday, 20 July 2004

In the office the other day, I had just finished clearing away the dishes left by those poor people who are seemingly incapable of washing, drying and putting away their own coffee cups. I was wiping down the bench when a female staff member saw me and commented, "Gosh you're well trained aren't you." Rather than say something rude I said nothing, but this bugs me. I find it condescending. If it had been a woman doing the same thing she wouldn't have said that. I have lived alone for most of my adult life and the fact that I can do simple things like dishes, vacuuming, and laundry is nothing unusual. Who is supposed to have trained me anyway? My mother?

"Oh, you need a good woman to look after you..." is another comment I hear often, usually from married women. Do they not see how insulting that is? If I do need a good woman, it is most certainly NOT to look after me in the domestic sense. If I said to them "You need a good man to provide for you" I'm sure they would be offended too.

End of rant.
6:27:32 PM    Comment []

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