Its a bit of a releif to have finally sold my car. It was pretty easy too. An online auction was definately the way to go. Three people were bidding for it and a local couple finally bought it, which saved me the hassle of delivery. Its such a small world that the guy was another kite buggy pilot that I have raced with many times on local beaches. I didn't recognise him at first because I don't think I'd ever seen him without a helmet on. Once he described his buggy and kite to me, instant recognition. Anyway the car sold, buyer happy, seller happy.
Not all of the people who were interested in buying it were as easy to deal with. One guy did an inspection the AA would have been proud of, including the whole body, buffing every little scratch with his sleve then proceded to debate wether the tyres were 'legal' despite the fact that it has a new Warrent-of-fitness sticker, and he was holding the WOF report in his hand at the time. The car had already reached reserve on the auction at this point so I really didn't care if the legal tread depth for tyres was 1.2mm or 1.5mm.
"It is, what it is." I told him. "The auction is in progress. If you're interested, place a bid...", walked away, while he was telling me it was running a little rough... Twat.
9:56:23 PM