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  Saturday, 11 June 2005

This little pendant was a test. I wanted to see what a not so perfect peice of bone would look like worked into a carving. The natural blemish on this peice is the slightly more porus bone where ligaments were once attached to the beef shank. I soaked the peice in blackcurrent juice to highlight the blemish. The more porus bone soaked up the colour of the juice, highlighting the grain.

I also wanted to try this whipping which will be a feature of the next peice I'm working on. Its a simple yet strong way to attached a cord to almost any shape leaving a nice line of knots down the front.

9:50:57 PM    Comment []

The start of winter is a good time to pick up second-hand power kiting gear. I just picked up another kite, a 5 wheel kit for my kite buggy and a full face crash helmet from Dave, a Nelson Kite Club member who is heading home to the UK for a while and needed to shed some surplus gear. The kite is a 12m2 Peter Lynn F-Arc which is an awesome kite (trust me). More on that when I get some pictures of it flying.

The 5-wheel buggy kit is all about traction. One of the biggest problems in a kite buggy thats over-powered is sliding sideways. With an extra two wheels on the sand I can power up the kite more, thus gaining more speed, without breaking traction and sliding sideways. I used a five wheeled buggy to run the 50km length of Muriwai beach and it is way more stable at high speed to.

This afternoon I bolted the axle extensions and the extra wheel onto my kite buggy for a photo. Of course it had to be tested to. There was no shortage of volunteers among the kids next door and the newly modified kite buggy was put through its paces. By all reports it passed testing with flying colours.

6:52:13 PM    Comment []

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