I hate man's arrogance in thinking he is somehow superior to the rest of the species on this planet. We love to list the things that seperate us from the 'animals'. Opposable thumbs, self awareness, etc, etc. Why do we think we have the right to destroy other creatures inhabiting this planet? In China over 2000 people a year die of rabies (which is entirely avoidable/treatable), out of about 1,306,313,812 of them. To curb this the government have ordered the massive slaughter of dogs. Like its their fault. What's wrong with vacination anyway? Sick. Sick. Sick.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060804/ap_on_re_as/china_dogs_killed Why can't we turn the same logic on ourselves? Cars kill about 1.2 million people (I couldn't find any statistics on other species) each year world wide.... I think you see where I'm going with that.
11:19:10 AM